Marking weekly online activities in Moodle

Online weekly activities are the activities that place to ensure that the students have completed their 6 hours of the online weekly study at home. Not all the students necessarily need to complete these activities as some of the courses might not have these. But it is applicable to all international students.

Not all the courses require the trainer to mark the online weekly activities. Some courses are automatically marked.

The below instructions are only for the Quiz activities with Essay questions, i.e. that are not automatically marked. Other types of activities are not covered by these instructions.

Step 1: Make sure that you have Edwiser RapidGrader block.

Step 2: On your Dashboard, you should see the Edwiser RapidGrader block:

Step 3: Select the unit that you want to mark:


Step 4: Once there, it should show you the activities and attempts that require grading. Click on the Grade button:

Step 5: Select on the question to be marked under a student:

Step 6: Click question by question to see the student’s response, benchmark answer, and update comments and grades for the students. Hit Submit afterward:

Proceed this with the other questions and the same with other students. Please email the students to review their quiz after it has been marked and provided with feedback.

If you struggle with any of these steps or need any assistance please contact Helpdesk at or give us a call at 07 3088 6235