How to use Teams for Virtual Classes-Students?

Getting Started with Teams

How to start using Teams: 

  1. Go to

  2. Login with the username and password provided by Queensford.

  3. Click on Teams from the apps screen.



Click on the Teams button to see the Team where your class will be held (an example is given below).

In your case: Please join the Teams group that is been specified from the Queensford IT helpdesk.

Please note: Queensford IT will email you your current Teams group which you must attend for online classes.

In some cases, your trainer might invite you in the meeting via your Queensford email address. To join the meeting in this scenario, simply access your Queensford email and click on the meeting link sent by your trainer.

Join a meeting in Teams

Your trainer will invite you in the designated Teams group which has been emailed by IT.

To attend the meeting:

  • Simply click in the meeting invitation that is been made by the trainer in the designated Teams group channel.

  • Click join located on the top-right hand corner.

  • If you would like to add this meeting to your calendar, please click “Add to calendar” located on top left-hand corner. This will help you to easily access the meeting from your Teams calendar which is located on the left-menu bar.

  • You can even check your Teams calendar to find out if there has been any classes that has scheduled for upcoming days (Please note: This will work if your trainer has scheduled any meeting prior to class) OR refer to above steps to access your Teams group. 


That’s all!! You have successfully joined the online class and added in your Teams calendar.

Additional Information

How to RSVP and add the meeting to the Teams calendar:

You can even check and RSVP your online class from your Queensford email mailbox so that it is automatically reflected in your Outlook/Teams calendar.

To do so, follow the below steps:

  • Go to outlook by logging into the

  • Check your inbox.

  • You will receive a similar email like below if there has been any meeting been scheduled by your trainer.

You can click on RSVP or “Yes” so that it reflects in your calendar OR

Click on Meeting Details and there will be a link to join the online class.  The below will provide you a scenario of the email that you would receive.

Download the MS Teams app in your system (Recommended)

MS teams runs in multi-platform. You can download the app in your smartphone OR in your laptop for joining the classes.

If you are using Laptop/desktop computer, you can simply click on your profile in top-right hand corner in the Microsoft Teams web page from where you can download the Microsoft Teams in your computer. 


Click the link to download the teams Link

Or you can simply search for “download Microsoft teams” in your browser and go to Microsoft official website from where you can download it in your system.

After the software has been downloaded, please install it in your system and sign in using your Queensford account.

That’s all. You have successfully joined online classes and installed the app.


  1. Log in to Microsoft Teams

  2. Go to your “Team” as mentioned by Queensford helpdesk in Microsoft Teams” and check the information been sent by your trainer.

  3. Check Microsoft Teams’ Calendar for any classes/meetings that is been made by your trainer

  4. If you want to download the application for your devices, please search for Microsoft Teams and download. After it is being downloaded, sign in via your Queensford student email address.

Use Microsoft Teams as your primary application.

If you struggle with any of these steps or if you need any assistance please contact Helpdesk at or give us a call at +61 7 3088 6235.