Course Format in Moodle

Queensford College’s courses are formatted in a way so that it improves the navigation for the students in both Mobile view as well as desktop view. With the new tab format, the  students don’t have to scroll way long down to access the resources or activities. With the tabs format all what you need to access are within your hand’s reach.

Highlighted in red are the tabs which contain the activities relevant to your unit:

  • Unit information has small description regarding your unit and a discussion board where you can post your concerns.


  • Learning/Unit resources has the materials that you can use to do the learning prior to doing your assessments and other tasks. This includes learner guides, presentation and other materials.


  • Assessments tab has assessment tasks and workbook that you need to complete to get a satisfactory result in your assessment/s.

  • Other weekly learning tabs have resources that you need to compete online in your time as a part of your weekly online learning.

Highlighted in blue is the participants page where you can see your trainer/s and other participants in your study group/class.

Highlighted in green is the grade page where you can see the grade for the unit that you are accessing it from. This includes assignments, quizzes or other activities.