How to Access Queensford Email?
This guide will show you how you can access your Queensford Email.
Method 1: Office Portal
This method will let you open Queensford email without opening Moodle.
You will be receiving your submission feedback, due dates notifications and other information in your designated Queensford email account.
Step 1:
Open the following link on your browser (e. g Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari):
using your Queensford email ID and Password:
For students: use
For staff: use your provided staff email address.
Step 2: Open Outlook
Go to the panel on the top left corner of your screen by clicking it as shown below and select outlook to open it.
Clicking that will open your Queensford Email:
You will be receiving your submission feedback, due dates notifications and other information in your designated Queensford email account.
Method 2: From Your Moodle
You can access your email from Moodle.
Step 1: Login to Moodle
Steps on how to log into Moodle: How to login into Moodle (
You will be signed in in Moodle, like shown below.
Step 2: Open your Email
Click the arrow button as highlighted below:
It will open a panel which will show you a link to your Queensford Email:
Click that and it will redirect you to a new tab with your Queensford Email.
**You MUST monitor your Queensford Email AT ALL TIMES for important updates about your course. You can use this Email to communicate with faculty members.**
There is an easy way to keep track of any emails received from Queensford:
Download Microsoft Outlook on your mobile phone from Play Store (Android) or Apple Store (iPhone). It is free to download.
Use your Queensford ID and Password to login. Any new email will be reflected on your phone just like Gmail or any other app.
These are the two methods of accessing your Queensford Email, use whichever suits you best.
**Please remember to monitor your Queensford Email AT ALL TIMES**
If you struggle with any of these steps or if you need any assistance please contact Helpdesk at or give us a call at 07 3088 6235